Hey! We're Diana and Stefan.

Hey! We're Diana and Stefan.

Travel is many things and besides all it always challenges your vision of “normality”.



Including Antarctica



Countries recognized by the UN



Including Layovers



Different Airports

We're a couple based in Europe, mostly living abroad. In the last 8 years, we've been in 51 different UN countries. At the end of 2021, we achieved our goal to have stepped on all 7 continents of planet Earth, the last one being Antarctica.

Get to Know Us

Born in


Continent: Europe

Traveling Since


We were born and raised in Romania, a country where traveling abroad is not common. We did our first city break when we were 26, back in 2016. We were astounded by the experience. We only regret not doing this earlier, but I'm happy we did it anyway. We created a timeline of our travels so far in case you're curious to check our travel background.

For most of our friends, we're pretty much living a nomadic life, but we don't consider ourselves nomads. We haven't sold our home, and we do get homesick once in a while. Our longest continuous journey away from home should have been 5 months, the deadline being our sister's wedding. Unfortunately, COVID-19 happened and we had to cut our trip short after 3 months. We resumed traveling when some countries started to lift their lockdowns.

What Travel Is For Us

Hey! We're Diana and Stefan.

Travel is


Travel is not just about landscapes and tourist attractions. It is also about the experiences you live and the memories you create. For us, the most impactful experience is a cultural shock, that moment when nothing around you is normal anymore and you lose all your reference points.

Travel shapes who you are and makes you more resilient and open-minded. We tend to judge other people through our narrow lens just to discover that what normal means to us might be utterly weird for other people and this is true the other way around as well.

If more people were to travel, the world would be a better place.

That is the power that traveling and exploring different cultures has on people. Travel is one of the best forms of education for people of all ages. What travel teaches you is: to judge less, listen more, and open your mind to new perspectives that are not in your sight.

Through our stories and journeys, we hope to inspire and encourage others to travel and explore the world. What's your next destination and how can we help you?

Photos On Travelfoss

Made by us


Photos took during our travels.

Are Real


Been there, done that!

Photo Edits


Not photoshopped, not retouched, minimal edits, no filters.


No Drones

Drone travel photography can be misleading.

Why We Started Writing About Travel

Source of


for friends and fellow travelers

Unbiased Travel Content


Honest & Authentic

Real & Personal


Been there, done that!

As you might have guessed from the articles on the Travelfoss blog, we are world travelers, passionate about nature, hiking, and many more. We have created this blog, called Travelfoss, to help fellow travelers by sharing our experiences.

We all know that most travel information available today is sponsored (one way or another) and not entirely honest. Most of the time, travel authors receive deals and sponsorships to promote something. Most travel information you find on the web is therefore biased and not completely true. We felt for it many times, only to arrive at an overrated destination with nothing impressive to see.

We don't do sponsored articles on our website, and we don't write articles for the sake of creating affiliate links to win commissions. We want to keep Travelfoss clean, with real information that you know you can trust. If we can't keep our promise we would rather shut down Travelfoss than share sponsored information that does not align with our vision, values, thoughts, and opinions.

We want to share with you our stories and our vision while respecting our core values: honesty and authenticity. We know very well the pain of stumbling upon unreliable travel information when planning for a trip because of sponsorships and fake reviews. Therefore, our mission is to bring authenticity back to travel.

Affiliate Links and Ads on Travelfoss

Writing authentic travel articles is our pleasure, but we do have costs to keep this website up and running. To cover these costs we are sometimes using affiliate links from companies we chose to partner with. This means that our partners pay us a commission for any purchase that was referred by our website. All that we are asking from you is a click. If you need to purchase anything for your travels or hikes, please use the links we provide on our website at no extra cost to you. A complete list with our affiliate partners can be found on our travel resources page.

All our stories are real experiences as seen through our eyes. We do not post sponsored articles, and therefore the information we convey is not financially influenced. We might include in some articles affiliate links, but the products that we might recommend are products that we are using ourselves and we have not been paid to promote them. Most of the time we will share photos with us wearing the gear we link.

After 1.5 years since starting Travelfoss, affiliate links proved to be not enough to cover the costs for this website. Although we don't like ads, we had no other choice than adding ads to Travelfoss.

If you found the content on Travelfoss useful you can always buy us a coffee. Thanks in advance!